1,529 research outputs found

    A Boundary-Dissolving Binding: The Eclectic Composition Underlying the First Edition of "Leaves of Grass"

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    Ha transcurrido ya un siglo y medio desde que las famosas hojas de whitman salieran por primera vez de la imprenta. Aunque whitman no consiguió con su primera edición llegar a una audiencia multitudinaria, si echamos una mirada atrás en el tiempo, concluiA century and a half has gone by since whitman's famous leaves first came off the press. Though the first edition did not reach the multitudinous audience whitman had in mind, looking back in time, we can conclude that few poetry books have received so m

    Shakespeare’s Legal Wit: Evolution of the Translation of Shakespeare’s Legal Puns into Spanish from the 20th to the 21st Century

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    Shakespeare was law-obsessed and used a considerable amount of law terminology in his plays and sonnets. Though the use of legal terminology was frequent and extended in Elizabethan drama, Shakespeare’s handling of such technical language was particularly accurate and imaginative. It being a highly litigious age, Tudor audiences were well acquainted with a wide assortment of legal terms and concepts, and therefore in a position to enjoy the clownish characters’ (Launcelot, Gobbo, Pompey, etc.) malapropisms and legal puns. However, what applies to the Tudor audience of those days does not necessarily apply to audiences from other cultures and across different ages of Shakespearean reception. In this study, we look at the question of whether the reception of Shakespeare in the Spanish-speaking world coincides with the established image of the Poet as a playwright and poet who knew how to handle the many subtleties of the legal terminology with ease and grace. Much of this image has been diluted as a consequence of ‘loose’ renderings in Spanish translations. With reference to legal imagery, malapropisms, or legal ‘puns’ in particular, many a translation fails to adequately render the corresponding legal overtones in the target text. After a brief overview of Shakespearean translations into Spanish over the centuries, this study focuses on the evolution of the translation of Shakespeare’s legal puns into Spanish through the works of three translators starting with Leandro Fernandez de Moratín’s early 20th century renderings, Manuel Ángel Conejero’s version in 1995, and finally Ángel Luis Pujante’s recent edition of Shakespeare’s comedies and tragicomedies. The paper concludes by problematizing such strategies in the context of “law-worthy” translations as opposed to “stage-worthy” ones

    ¿La dignidad cabe en un bolsillo? Reflexiones sobre la protección de la mujer embarazada, frente al delito de discriminación en Colombia

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    This article analyzes a possible deficit in the protection of pregnant women workers when theyare discriminated against and restricted in their right to work due to their condition of pregnancy.At the time of obtaining a sentence in the labor or constitutional jurisdiction, they are only given amoney as compensation or reinstatement, without there being any type of procedural impulse onthe part of said jurisdictions towards the investigation of criminal conduct such as discrimination,in defense of human dignity. The methodology will be based on the analysis of the existingnorms, the jurisprudence and the information obtained via the right of petition from the Officeof the Attorney General of the Nation, from the perspective of criminology as a justification forthe existence and origin of a criminal investigation. in protection of the human dignity of theseworkers, in order to find meeting points that justify the promotion of a criminal investigation fromthe labor jurisdiction for the crime of discrimination, when the labor judge finds arguments forthis purpose. From the proposed methodology and analysis, it is possible to find a solution to thelack of sensitivity in the FGN distribution officials, in the face of the need to continue with thecriminal prosecution, when it comes from the unfair dismissal of a pregnant woman.El presente artículo analiza un posible déficit en la protección de las trabajadoras gestantescuando son discriminadas y coartadas en su derecho al trabajo por su condición de gravidez.Al momento de obtener una sentencia en la jurisdicción laboral o constitucional solo se lesentrega un dinero como indemnización o reinstalación, sin que exista ningún tipo de impulsoprocesal de parte de dichas jurisdicciones hacia la investigación de una conducta penal como ladiscriminación, en defensa de la dignidad humana. La metodología se basara en el análisis de lasnormas existentes, la jurisprudencia y la información obtenida vía derecho de petición de partede la Fiscalía General De La Nación, desde la visión de la criminología como una justificación ala existencia y procedencia de una investigación penal en protección de la dignidad humana deestas trabajadoras, a fin de poder encontrar puntos de encuentro que justifiquen el impulso deuna investigación penal desde la jurisdicción laboral por el delito de discriminación, cuando eljuez laboral encuentre argumentos para tal fin. Desde la metodología y el análisis propuestos,es posible encontrar una solución a la falta de sensibilidad en los funcionarios del reparto dela FGN, frente a la necesidad de seguir con la persecución penal, cuando proviene del despidoinjusto de una trabajadora en estado de gravidez

    Mysteries and Nature: Levertov's Sands ofthe Well

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    Es reseña de: Oblique Prayers. Denise Levertov. New York : New Directions, 198

    Identity and myth in Denise Levertov, a poet in evolution

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    El presente trabajo pretendo idagar en los mecanismos de revisión y reescritura que levertou aplica a dos temas recurrentes en su poesía: identidad y mito. El estudio de cómo evoluciona el tratamiento de estos temas en la poesía de Levertou --- un mejor conocimiento de su proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad personal a través de las imágenes de ---, su reinvención de cuerpo, la -- y de todos aquellos mitos relacionados con Eros y la Musa

    Sensitivity of fire weather index to different reanalysis products in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Wildfires are a major concern on the Iberian Peninsula, and the establishment of effective prevention and early warning systems are crucial to reduce impacts and losses. Fire weather indices are daily indicators of fire danger based upon meteorological information. However, their application in many studies is conditioned to the availability of sufficiently large climatological time series over extensive geographical areas and of sufficient quality. Furthermore, wind and relative humidity, important for the calculation of fire spread and fuel flammability parameters, are relatively scarce data. For these reasons, different reanalysis products are often used for the calculation of surrogate fire danger indices, although the agreement with those derived from observations remains as an open question to be addressed. In this study, we analyze this problem focusing on the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) ? and the associated Seasonal Severity Rating (SSR) ? and considering three different reanalysis products of varying resolutions on the Iberian Peninsula: NCEP, ERA-40 and ERA-Interim. Besides the inter-comparison of the resulting FWI/SSR values, we also study their correspondence with observational data from 7 weather stations in Spain and their sensitivity to the input parameters (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity). As a general result, ERA-Interim reproduces the observed FWI magnitudes with better accuracy than NCEP, with lower/higher correlations in the coast/inland locations. For instance, ERA-Interim summer correlations are above 0.5 in inland locations ? where higher FWI magnitudes are attained ? whereas the corresponding values for NCEP are below this threshold. Nevertheless, departures from the observed distributions are generally found in all reanalysis, with a general tendency to underestimation, more pronounced in the case of NCEP. In spite of these limitations, ERA-Interim may still be useful for the identification of extreme fire danger events. (e.g. those above the 90th percentile value) and for the definition of danger levels/classes (with level thresholds adapted to the observed/reanalysis distributions).We are grateful to the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) for providing the observational data used in this study and to Jes´us Fern´andez for useful comments that helped to improve the original manuscript. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement 243888 (FUME Project) and 265192 (CLIMRUN Project), and from the CICYT project CGL2010-21869

    Prospectiva del abordaje de enfermería hacía la sustentabilidad en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para el 2030

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    Objective: To determine the prospective scenario for nursing in the approach to sustainability in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030 from the perception of a group of nursing professionals in Mexico. Method: Prospective, cross-sectional study, with a census sample of (n=18) of the total number of students in a master's degree program in nursing sciences at a Mexican university. The prospective questionnaire ODSENF V1 and a sociodemographic data form were used for data collection. Informed consent was signed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Main Results: In the overall picture nursing professionals are conceived to be linked in their axes of action in an acceptable scenario at a 10-year projection. General conclusion: The prospective scenario for the nursing approach to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) shows a greater proximity to the target image of the people category, possibly due to the relationship of the nursing professional with the social determinants of health that intervene in the well-being of populations, the planet category is in an acceptable scenario for its approach, The prosperity and alliances categories are the least linked to 2030, this could be due to the lack of clarity in the ecological concepts and not relating them to their hospital operational disciplinary actions, which requires urgent educational processes and generation of competencies for sustainability at all levels of nursing education.Objetivo: Determinar el escenario prospectivo para la enfermería hacía el abordaje de la sustentabilidad en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para el año 2030 desde la percepción de un grupo de profesionales de enfermería en México. Método: Estudio prospectivo, transversal, con una muestra censal de (n=18) del total de estudiantes de un programa de maestría en ciencias de enfermería de una Universidad mexicana. Se utilizó el cuestionario prospectivo ODSENF V1 y una cédula de datos sociodemográficos para la colecta de datos. Se firmó consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados principales: En el panorama general los profesionales de enfermería se conciben vincular en sus ejes de actuación en un escenario aceptable a una proyección de 10 años. Conclusión general: El escenario prospectivo para el abordaje de enfermería a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) se observa una mayor cercanía a la imagen objetivo de la categoría de personas, posiblemente por la relación del profesional de enfermería con los determinantes sociales de salud que intervienen en el bienestar de las poblaciones, la categoría de planeta se encuentra en un escenario aceptable para su abordaje, las categorías prosperidad y alianzas son la de menor vinculación para el 2030, esto podría deberse a la falta de claridad en los conceptos ecológicos y no relacionarlos con su actuar disciplinar operativo hospitalario, por lo cual requiere procesos educativos y generación de competencias para la sustentabilidad urgentes en todos los niveles formativos de la enfermería

    Numerical analysis of the pivot node in fracture problems

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    Recent studies have allowed us to identify a narrow region of the thickness of the crack front in fracture problems that presents interesting characteristics for the numerical-experimental correlation. Taking the three-dimensional distribution of the stress intensity factor (K) as a reference, we observe how it remains invariant and independent of the main factors influencing this type of analysis. This article presents a summary of how to identify this point through the numerical simulation of the problem and its relationship with parameters such as thickness, load level or angle of curvature. The simulations are carried out with the ANSYS software in an aluminium CT specimen subjected to a fracture loading process in mode I.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Spatio-temporal error growth in the multi-scale Lorenz’96 model

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    The influence of multiple spatio-temporal scales on the error growth and predictability of atmospheric flows is analyzed throughout the paper. To this aim, we consider the two-scale Lorenz’96 model and study the interplay of the slow and fast variables on the error growth dynamics. It is shown that when the coupling between slow and fast variables is weak the slow variables dominate the evolution of fluctuations whereas in the case of strong coupling the fast variables impose a non-trivial complex error growth pattern on the slow variables with two different regimes, before and after saturation of fast variables. This complex behavior is analyzed using the recently introduced Mean-Variance Logarithmic (MVL) diagram